ISSN 2147-8988




Vol. 12 Issue 2 APRIL 2024                                          

International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Differential Effects of Macroeconomic Indicators on Food Security in Sub-Saharan African Countries  (Full Text)

Afees Oluwashina Noah, Oladipo Olalekan David and Wynand Grobler

Willingness to Pay and Framing Effect: Evidence from Organic Tomatoes (Full Text)

Larice Simone de Oliveira Ferreira, Rodrigo Lanna Franco da Silveira and Alexandre Gori Maia

Characterization and Determinants of Smallholder Pigeon Pea Farmers in Machakos County, Kenya

(Full Text)

Catherine Ndumi Musyoka, Geoffrey Otieno and Muendo M. Kavoi

Asymmetric Price Transmission: The Case of Potato and Onion in Costa Rica  (Full Text)

Ana Paula Zamora, Johana Solórzano and Javier Paniagua

Assessing Technical Efficiency in Wine Grape Production: The Case of South Brazil  (Full Text)

Cassiano Bragagnolo, Alexandre Nunes de Almeida and André Luis Squarize Chagas